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Patrik Schober

Zertifizierter PR Quality-Auditor (ICCO, CMS, TÜV), CEO, PRAM Consulting PR agency


Patrik Schober graduated from international relations and social communication and completed internships at Holmes College in Sydney and the University of California Irvine. He began his career at publishing house Computer Press. He established and is the Managing Partner of PRAM Consulting PR agency since 2002. Between 2017 and 2018 he was Chairman of the Board of Worldcom PR Group. In addition, he is Chairman of the Executive Board of the Association of Public Relations in Czech Republic and member of the Board of ICCO. Czech PR Klub awarded him as PR Personality in 2018. Patrik is married has two children and he is passionate runner and mountaineer.
Agentur-Zertifizierung anfragen Patrik Schober

Zertifizierter PR Quality-Auditor (ICCO, CMS, TÜV), CEO, PRAM Consulting PR agency

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