The 2023 Global PR Summit in Warsaw is history: The ICCO (The International Communications Consultancy Organisation) has provided a stunning line-up of great stories and speakers from all over the world. Of course, AI, Sustainability, Freedom of media, combatting misinformation and the next generation of PR ruled the agenda over here.

The formation and rapid growth of Team Farner, with the story of The Skills Group, Datenwerk, KTHE, komm.passion etc. – and most recently Lansons Live (UK) – joining Team Farner, attracted major interest at clients and communications colleagues. Lots to talk during coffee breaks and evening sessions.

Furtheron and important: Together with representatives of the PR associations of Germany (GPRA) and Switzerland (LSA) and with climate experts, the PRVA (Public Relations Verband Austria) developed a comprehensive "Sustainability Communications Charter" to showcase the expertise of the PR industry, set education activities and to strictly combat Greenwashing. In Warsaw, the Charta has been adopted unanimously by the board of ICCO to become an international industry standard.